Advantages and disadvantages of red bricks

May 17, 2021
Features of red bricks
Red brick has a set of advantages that push many individuals and companies to adopt it in construction, and these features are as follows:

Heat preservation: Red bricks conserve homes’ energy during the winter, and keep them cool during the summer; It absorbs heat from the sun's rays during the day, and transmits it at night.
Hardness and cohesion: These two features give red bricks the ability to withstand bad weather conditions, including fires and high winds.

Not harming the environment: The use of red bricks does not leave large amounts of environmental pollutants, and these small quantities are subject to degradability.
Sound insulation: Red brick is one of the materials that isolates external sounds well.

Ease of manufacture: The basic materials for the manufacture and processing of red bricks are abundant, which makes the production process easy, and its low financial cost facilitates the process of repairing it. In addition, red bricks are recyclable.

Disadvantages of red brick
There are some defects that sometimes stand in the way of choosing red bricks in building homes and facilities, despite all its features and characteristics, and among these defects are the following:

Red bricks take more time to build; This is because it is larger than the other types.
Red brick absorbs water quickly.
Mold can grow on the rough edges of bricks, especially if you don't clean them regularly.

The continuous search for red bricks can cause the fertile soil to deplete, and its area to decline dramatically, which negatively affects agriculture.
The costs of using red bricks in construction increase while the cost of its production and restoration decreases, due to the increase in its size, which requires stands and cranes capable of bearing its weight.

Detecting the quality of red bricks
The quality of bricks can be known in several ways, one of which is that a person tries to drop a piece of it, and if it breaks into small nuggets, this is an indication of its poor quality, but if it breaks up into pieces that are easy to reassemble, its quality can be adopted as it is of good quality. Pouring bricks into sturdy and regular molds, and that the clay used in them is not coarse, and that its texture is of dirt and sand thick and well compacted, as no air bubbles are allowed inside it

in addition to its manufacture at a temperature ranging from 900 to 1000 degrees Celsius, It will allow the silica, which gives the bricks its hardness, to mix well with the rest of the components, and with regard to choosing the size of the bricks used, some prefer to adopt the larger bricks to reduce the time and effort spent in construction.

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