Cleaning plastic painted walls

May 17, 2021
Cleaning plastic painted walls
The hardship and trouble of cleaning
Cleaning and tidying is more difficult when there are children in the house; It is known that children play with colors on all walls and walls of the house, along with their handprints soiled with food and sauce that they leave on the walls, and other actions that they do with their instinct and their childish nature

which makes the house an inappropriate place that needs a lot of arrangements and organization. Even if there are no children in a house; It also needs cleaning and attention to get rid of the dust that moves on the walls and the floor, meaning that cleaning is necessary in all cases as long as there are people in the house, whether old or young.

Cleaning oiled walls
Dishwashing oil or liquid soap is brought, and its concentration is diluted by adding a small amount of water to it in the event that it is a raw material that has not been diluted before, because in this case it is very heavy.

Bring the soft wire, and it is better to add a piece of loofah behind the piece of wire that will be used, meaning putting the loofah back in the direction of the lady, so as not to cause itching to cut her fingers from the wire .

Bring leather gloves to wear to achieve the best protection during the cleaning process, and to preserve the skin at the same time.
Start using the wire with liquid soap to remove stains and deposits on the wall.

Spray the walls with a limited amount of water in order to remove the foam from the walls.
Dry the wall either by turning on the fan to ventilate the place, and then dry the walls, either by hand cleaning with a completely dry piece of cloth.

It is worth noting that the wire can be dispensed with in the cleaning process, and it is replaced with a loofah for the shower, but it is preferable to do so in the event that it is noticed that the type of wire is poor or one of the types that leave very small crumbs on the wall, and it is difficult to remove cloth, making the basic cleaning process more difficult.

Cleaning plastic walls from a dry pen
Bring the wire, and the regular liquid soap oil used to clean and polish dishes.
Wash the wall with cleaning materials.
Wipe the wall with a damp cloth.

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