Definition of public internal law

May 17, 2021
Definition of public internal law
The law is generally defined as legislation that is enacted primarily by states with the aim of implementing the provisions of the constitution specific to them. While the general internal law can be defined as a set of legal rules that mainly regulate the relationship of the state and its various institutions with Citizens and individuals within the state, that is, the legal rules that are implemented in the state, based on the various sources of these rules.

Branches of public internal law
Several branches emerge from the general internal law, which are as follows:

Constitutional Law: It is a number of laws that work mainly on regulating the relationship between the rulers and the ruled, in addition to clarifying and clarifying the system of government in the state with the way it is practiced, in addition to working to ensure rights and freedom for all citizens and individuals within the state.

Criminal Law: This law comes to work on clarifying all legal rules related to criminal acts, with an indication of the punishment prescribed for them.
Financial Law: It is the law that regulates the financial affairs of the state, in terms of revenues and expenditures, in addition to controlling public money in the state.

Administrative Law: It is organizational rules that seek to implement the activity of the executive authority as well as regulating its performance and its relationship with individuals within the state.

Where is the importance of the relationship between public international law and public domestic law?
The importance of the relationship between public international law and general internal law lies in the event of wars and conflicts between two states, where one of the two states raises an issue that is regulated by internal law, and on the contrary, the other raises an issue regulated by international law, and in this case two theories can be resorted to, namely:

The theory of the unity of law: where the theory of the unity of law works on the link between public international law and public internal law, which ultimately leads to the unity of the two laws, that is, they merge into a single legal system and are indivisible.

The theory of duality of law: the people who adopted this statement said that both public international law and general internal law are completely independent laws, depending on many issues in terms of the persons addressed in each of the two laws and in terms of the source of each, in addition to the penalty in each Of the two laws, the nature of the links regulated by legal rules.

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