Ideas for making educational aids

May 17, 2021
means of education
It is preferable in many educational institutions, especially kindergartens and schools, to use some different educational means

In order to increase the clarity of the various information and facilitate their understanding for students, and students can prepare these educational aids, but preparing them remains the task of teachers, and teachers and students may participate in preparing them during the activity classes.

Ideas for making educational aids
Teaching aids are a set of tangible tools that teachers use to increase students’ information fixation

TRANSLATED FROM:تحضير مادة القراءات

Students work these tools manually at home, or students and teachers share together in the school using simple tools available at school and at home. These tools must be simple and at the same time express the goal for which they were made. Examples of these educational aids are the following:

Making maps for geography using pens and large cardboard sheets, where the required map is drawn and regions and countries are designated on it

The latitude and longitude as well as the different directions are also specified. Planning different poems and verses of the Qur’an where they are explained in front of the students so as to give a different atmosphere and thus encourage students to memorize them and understand their interpretation.

Murals and sculptures
We can make cultural means by making cardboard pockets on a large piece of cardboard, then writing general information on small papers and placing them in the cardboard pockets, and writing addresses for each of these pockets using pens.

These teaching aids are called wall journals and the information in them is constantly changed. You can make some models made of cork or cardboard for science subject, such as making a model of the solar system so that they are colored to distinguish them from each other and write their names on small papers and paste them on them

TRANSLATED FROM:بوربوينت مواد التحفيظ

Or making a model of the human body that explains the different parts of the body or explains the internal structure of one of the organs in the body, or models of chemical elements and atoms to clarify the distribution of electrons in them.

In addition to preparing models to illustrate the growth processes of plants, animals and humans, and the classifications of different living and non-living organisms found in nature, and images of these organisms can be used in this.

Other means
Using the projector to display some pictures related to the lesson, and show films that explain and explain what is difficult for students to understand.

Among the most important educational means used in schools are trips, educational field visits to factories, exhibitions related to academic matters and the prescribed curriculum, as well as visiting institutes, colleges, universities, and other schools.