Glass polishing method

May 17, 2021
Methods for cleaning and polishing glass
Many natural and industrial materials are used to clean glass, including the following:

Distilled water
Tap water contains a high percentage of dissolved minerals; Like magnesium and calcium. Therefore, it can be used to clean floors or marbles, and it should be avoided to dilute the concentration of glass cleaners; Because it will leave some impurities and sediment

Thus, satisfactory results are not obtained, so it can be replaced with distilled water; Because it does not contain all of the minerals found in tap water, thus resulting in a clean, sparkling glass, distilled water can be obtained from local grocery stores.

Citrus peels
There is a set of steps that must be followed to clean the glass using citrus peels, and they are as follows: Soak the citrus peels in vinegar several weeks before the cleaning period.

Strain the peels and pour the solution into a bottle. Mix one cup of acidic vinegar with one cup of water. Put the solution into a spray bottle. glasses cleaning.

vinegar and soap
A mixture of castile soap and vinegar can be used as a household cleaner to polish glass and remove traces of repeated use of commercial cleaners, prepared using approximately four quarts of water, and adding a quarter cup of castile soap.

And the amount of a cup of vinegar on it, then sprinkle the glass with this mixture, and use paper napkins; To wipe it and remove its residue, old newspapers can also be used as a means of wiping

other ways
There are many ways in which glass can be cleaned, including the following: Newspaper: Mix a quantity of hot water with a small amount of lemon juice in a bowl, prepare a newspaper paper, shape it into a ball, then soak it. In a mixture of lemon and water, and rub the glass. Get it multiple times.

Glycerin: Put a few drops of glycerin on nylon stockings, then rub the glass with it several times. Baking soda and white vinegar: Put an amount of white vinegar with an equal amount of baking soda in a bowl and mix them well.

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