How do I clean the carpet at home?

May 17, 2021
vacuum cleaner
Having a vacuum cleaner with deep cleaning options is a must in homes that are fully furnished with rugs and carpets, and the need for constant cleaning; Due to the presence of children and pets, but if there is no need for frequent cleaning, the individual can be hired from time to time to be used in carpet cleaning.

Carpet cleaning methods vary according to its condition and extent of need, as it usually needs periodic cleaning with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week, and more if it is exposed to movement and dirt.

This can maintain a longer life by preventing the accumulation of dirt and dust that may damage the fibers of its fabric, and it should be noted that care must be taken to give the carpet the necessary time during vacuuming, as it must be bypassed. Slowly and several times to ensure that all dirt and dust are removed

Vinegar can be used to clean carpets at home, and it is used by mixing an amount of vinegar with ten times the amount of water, and using the resulting solution on the carpets through a steam cleaning machine.

As the vinegar removes the stains that will appear on the surface of the carpet, and the use of warm water in making the solution helps to obtain better results, and the smell of vinegar can smell from the carpet until it is completely dry, but it will do. end end.

Synthetic detergents
Synthetic carpet cleaners can be used to clean carpets by dipping a white cloth in the cleaning solution and rubbing the stains on the carpet with it. Avoid applying the solution directly to the carpet.

Dishwashing liquid can be used by mixing a quarter of a teaspoon of it with a cup of warm water and cleaning the carpet with it. As for carpet cleaners with natural fibers, they are used on the carpet by pouring the solution into spray bottles, and spraying it gently on the stains.

Bicarbonate of soda
Baking soda helps to get rid of stains and the bad smell of carpets, and it is used by sprinkling the entire carpet with baking soda and then with hot water, taking into account the areas that contain dense stains, while applying a thick layer of soda. And scrub it with a cleaning brush

Let the carpet absorb the baking soda, then get rid of the excess with a vacuum cleaner, wash the carpet with water, and use a wet or dry vacuum to get rid of all liquids.

The carpet can be cleaned using a solution of ammonia and water, as all areas of the carpet are rubbed using a small amount of the solution, then the carpet is washed using a solution of water and vinegar.

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