How to make paper

May 17, 2021
Paper history
Paper is considered one of the most important inventions known to mankind throughout its history and the succession of its civilizations.

The current form of paper dates back to the Chinese civilization, as the Chinese were the ones who preceded its production since the first century AD, and the Arabs and Muslims in the Abbasid era knew this Chinese product, as they called it at that time the name of the Al-Kagd, and whoever manufactures and produces paper was called the Kagd .

Paper making method
To prepare the paper dough, the following steps are followed:
Cleaning the bark that will be used to make paper from it, using special machines prepared for this purpose.
After the bark is cleaned, the bark is placed in a boiler, where it is exposed to lime and steam pressure for a relatively long time.
The substances present in the bark combine with the lime, forming a soap that has the property of not melting, and it is not permanent. it is disposed of in later stages.
Sending the bark to a specific machine in order to convert it into a continuous chain.

The water is mixed with the bark, and this mixture is passed between a base and a cylinder, until it turns into fibers, and during its passage it is purified from all the impurities attached to it.
The bark is gradually soaked until it breaks down into fibers, and then it is fed into another machine in order to separate the fibers.
Finally, many improvers and different materials are added to produce it in its final form.

Paper types
Paper is not one kind, for each use there is a specific type of paper. For example, there is printing paper that is characterized by its lightness and is used constantly in printing books and notebooks, and there is photocopy paper used in various copiers, while magazine paper is glossy paper, and there is also newspaper paper with a short life and light weight, also there is cardboard used in various packaging processes, Finally, cardboard is also used in some packaging operations.

Of all these types, the diversity of the ways in which papers are used is evident, the reason that prompted producers to develop these different types of paper, and the papers are also subject to the recycling process, which reduces the environmental risks represented in the accumulation of paper waste, which is also represented by cutting trees in a very large way. This process is very popular in all countries of the world.

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